President’s Message – September 2022

Hello all members of CCRRCSD. Last night (9/8/22) the Board of Directors (Board) conducted their September Board meeting. Another really good meeting. The meeting started at 6:05PM and adjourned at 7:50PM. For those members that have not had an opportunity to attend one of our Board meetings I encourage you to make time to be there and get an idea how your monies are being spent. We had correspondence from a member requesting striping on the roads and a lower speed limit. The speed limit will be added to next month’s agenda for discussion. Sad news from our meeting is that Todd is unable to continue as a CCRRCSD Director, so the Board will be looking for a replacement for Todd. Any member interested in serving as a CCRRCSD Director, please email the Board at or call myself at 209-768-2340. The Board had a discussion about the use of social media by the Directors or members and the consensus was, it should not be used for any CCRRCSD related business. The Board received a draft budget for 2023. This item was carried over to our October meeting. Once approved, members may request a copy of the 2023 budget. There was a discussion with reference to the Boards authority, By-Laws. All the information relating to this is contained in the Rocky Road CSD Handbook and the Board agreed to add/list the Handbook on the web-site. The Board approved the use of a CCRRCSD credit card for future purchases with a credit limit of $5,000. The Board also approved the opening of a savings account to safeguard the checking account and transferring $470,000 into savings from checking. The Board is still working on Project Plans, Letter to the Membership, QuickBooks (accounting), the web-site and a letter to a member for a clogged culvert. Please join us at our October Board meeting. Thank you.   Sheldon Toso President, CCRRCSD